BUSHTON — Central Plains Middle School would like to recognize Avery Hurley and Dalton Beck as the October Students of the Month.
Avery is the daughter of Matt and Amy Hurley and is in the 7th grade. She has two brothers: Ethan and Eli.
Avery represents her class as a Renaissance Council member and participates in volleyball and band. She plans to go out for basketball, track and quiz bowl. Her favorite class in school is physical education. When asked what she likes best about school, she replied, “Being involved in the extracurricular activities and seeing my friends.”
Denise Dohrman, math teacher, said, “Avery shows respect to students, faculty and staff. She is a conscientious student who does her best.”
Dalton Beck is the son of Dallas Beck and Kim Beck and is an eighth grader at CPMS-Bushton. Dalton’s siblings are Jayde, Brittney and Landon.
Dalton has been involved in football, basketball, track and band. His favorite subject in school is math. What Dalton likes best about school is “Physical education and being with his friends.”
Denise Dohrman said, “Dalton has come in this year and put real effort into his academics as well as athletics. The effort is paying off and he is seeing success in the classroom and on the football field.”
Mr. Wise commented, “Dalton has been very hard working, with a positive attitude all year. He has stepped up in to somewhat of a leadership role as well, and gets along with all of his classmates.”
Congratulations, Avery and Dalton, for being selected as the CPMS Students of the Month.
October Students of the Month