The Barton Community College Board of Trustees approved the following:
2014-2015 head coach renewal contracts.
• Aaron Avila – head coach (women’s soccer)
• Marc Benjamin – head coach (softball)
• Craig Fletchall – head coach (men’s basketball)
• Stephanie Joiner – head coach (cheerleader)
• Douglas Kaiser – head coach (men’s and women’s golf)
• John Kewley – head coach (men’s soccer)
• Carter Kruger – head coach (women’s basketball)
• David Schenek – head coach (track and cross country)
• Amanda Schnoebelen – head coach (dance line)
• Philip Shoemaker – head coach (volleyball)
• Lyle Stickney – head coach (tennis) (part-time)
2014-2015 management staff renewal contracts.
• Terry Barrow – comptroller and budget manager
• Rey Domingo – assistant dean of Fort Riley Support
• Mary Foley – executive director of workforce training and economic development
• Linda Haberman – business manager
• Marsha Hogan – director of Fort Leavenworth learning services
• Darnell Holopirek – executive director of institutional advancement
• Jane Howard – executive director of business, technology and community education
• Julie Knoblich – director of human resources
• Dr. Kathleen Kottas – executive director of nursing and healthcare education
• Terri Mebane – director of military programs
• Todd Moore – assistant director of athletics and sports information director
• Amy Oelke – coordinator of enterprise database applications
• Myrna Perkins – associate dean of student services and director of financial aid
• Regina Reynolds-Casper – director of learning resources
• Trevor Rolfs – director of athletics
• Angela Sullivan – associate dean of distance learning
• John Truitt – executive director of technical and military programs
2014-2015 administrative renewal contracts.
• Dr. Richard Abel – dean of academics
• Mark Dean – dean of administration
• Angela Maddy – dean of student services
• William Nash – dean of Fort Riley technical education and military outreach training
• Charles Perkins – dean of information services
• Dr. Penny Quinn – vice president of instruction and student services
• Elaine Simmons – dean of workforce training and community education
A new contract was also extended to Ashley Arnold – dean of military academic services
New personnel include:
• Tim Ray-Cashion – instructor (Occupational Safety and Health Administraton) (Fort Riley); faculty contract
• Marsha Miller – administrative assistant (vice president) (Barton campus)
• Victoria Garza-Reyes – volunteer coordinator & administrative assistant (part-time) (Retired Senior Volunteer Program) (Barton campus)
• Brent Biggs – interim head baseball coach contract. Biggs played at Barton and has been an assistant for five years.
Barton Community College President Carl Heilman Thursday afternoon recognized area employers and their partnership with BCC. During the BCC Board of Trustees meeting, he presented Employer Engagement Initiative Awards from the Kansas Board of Regents and the Kansas Department of Commerce to the businesses for their efforts at promoting technical education.
The Kansas Board of Regents has focused attention on technical training to prepare students for workforce demands, Heilman said. This Workforce Development initiative concentrates efforts and resources to prepare workers for careers in Kansas’ highest-priority fields, such as health care, advanced manufacturing/aviation, energy, and health sciences.
“They are good friends of the college,” Heilman said. The college operates a number of service-related programs and these would not be possible without the help of these sort of alliances.
“The technical education programs just get stronger and more beneficial as we go along,” said Board President Mike Johnson. “These are the cornerstone of our community education program here at Barton.”
Award recipients included:
• Case-New Holland – supporter level, Scott Sweasy accepted the award.
Barton started its relationship with Case in 1995 and the company brings in all the equipment and training needed to keep it going. In 2010, the collegel and Case added a new 8,500-square-foot shop facility.
• CUNA Mutual Retirement Solutions – supporter level, Brenda Kaiser accepted the award.
“We are more competitive because of our relationship with Barton Community College,” Kaiser said. Barton has offered a retirement-planning program for 25 years, thanks to the relationship with CUNA, formerly CPI Qualifed Plan Consultants.
• Ellsworth Correctional Facility – supporter level, Warden Dan Schnurr and Deputy Warden Marty Sauers accepted the award.
“We couldn’t do what we do to reduce recidivism without Barton,” said Ellsworth Correctional Facility Schnurr said. Inmates need education and skills to survive on the outside, and the BCC partnership makes this a lot easier.
The prison is planning a 50,000-square-foot expansion of its Spiritual Life Center. This will also house BCC classes.
• St. Rose Ambulatory & Surgery Center – champion level, Mark Mingenback, Leanne Irsik and Linda Farthing.
Barton’s relationship with St. Rose Ambulatory and Surgery Center dates back to 1969 when the college was being built. At the time, St. Rose was known as Central Kansas Medical Center.
There have been a lot of transitions, but the relationship stays strong. Over the years, it has allowed local students to find local jobs and stay in the community.
In other business, the Board:
• Approved the renewal of Heilman’s contract. The new three-year rolling contract runs from July 1 of this year through June 30, 2018
• Heard a monitoring report from Vice President of Instruction and Student Services Penny Quinn on the college’s “End 2: Work preparedness.
The report tracked three indicators. They included: Students will have the skills and knowledge required for successful entry into the workplace; students will have the work ethics, discipline, and collaborative skills necessary to be successful in the workplace; and students will have the skills and knowledge necessary to maintain, advance, or change their employment or occupation.
The success of the college was gauged by the enrollment in the programs, pass rates and surveys completed by students and employers. Some of the numbers looked good compared to national averages, Quinn said, but some work is needed in some areas.
• Held two consecutive 30-minute executive sessions. No action followed either one.
• Approved 2014-2015 contracts for head coaches, management staff and administrators. Several new personnel were also hired. For a full list of those who received contracts, go to