Helping Hands Preschool, along with Great Bend-based USD 428, are looking for children to fill a limited number of openings still available in the 4-Year-old At-Risk program for the upcoming school year. This free program is sponsored by a grant from the Kansas State Board of Education. Helping Hands administers this program for children living in the Great Bend school district.
To qualify for the program, children must be 4 years old by Aug. 31 of the upcoming school year, and live in the district. The child and/or family must meet at least one of a number of other criteria, such as: qualify for free lunch program through school or Vision card through SRS; single parent family; parents were teenagers when the child was born; at least one parent does not have a high school diploma or GED; and limited English proficiency. There is a $40 initial enrollment fee but no further fees for this program. Free busing is available.
Anyone interested in this program and believe their child may qualify can call Helping Hands Preschool at 793-1615 or stop by the preschool office to apply.
Openings still available for free 4-year-old preschool program