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Opportunities create excitement for Central Plains FFA
COURTESY PHOTO Pictured is the 2022-2023 Central Plains High School FFA Chapter. In the front row, left to right, are: Secretary Cheyenne Warta, Landon Daniels, Joseph Bunch, Ethan Miller, Garrett Short, Cale Thompson, Richard Stroud, Sierra Marsell, Adyson Green, Sentinel Libby Warta, Izzy Hurley, Reporter Taylor Sheehy, Kashlin Beck, Callun Rogers, Mason Davison and instructor/advisor, Wayne DeWerff. In the back row are: Armando Vasquez, Isiah Jensen, Vice President Eli Hurley, Hunter Klima, Peyton Dody, Logan Stroede, Devin Davison, Blaine Hickel, Caden Fanatia, President Evan Stratmann, Conner Fries, Rylan Siemsen, A.J. Parker, Charlie Whiterock and Joel Schreiber. Not pictured are: Treasurer Melissa Donecker, Joanna Donecker, McKenzie Foulger, Kris Frost, Trenton Grubb, Aiden Hekele, Grace Lamatsch, Marilyn Soeken, and Izayah Depperschmidt (moved).

CLAFLIN – Living the teenage life this day and age is all about experiences — and there were plenty of them as Central Plains High School FFA officer created a full slate of opportunities to celebrate FFA’s 95th year while promoting the 75th year of the ag and FFA program at CPHS.  

Rarely does a student get the opportunity to get behind the microphone — well maybe at a ballgame or other school function, but not at a radio station where your voice will be heard all over central Kansas. The six officers traveled with instructor Wayne DeWerff to Eagle Radio in Great Bend to cut PSA’s as to a prelude to the celebratory week and also were interviewed by Matt Althouse, general manager. 

Another great opportunity presented itself with a trip to Barton Community College for the Cougar Women and Men’s game against Butler County. 

Activities and events followed all week where faculty, staff, and student body were able to participate. “Who’s Calves are Who’s?,” a guessing game on who’s “calf” muscles belong to who, ran all week, with “the most money in the jar” determining and exposing the winner. 

Streamlined and muscular calf faculty member, Mr. Potter, was chosen the favorite.  

Another ag related activity was to “take a picture with a critter,” being either a pet, livestock, or any living thing. Submittal of pic earned a chance in a raffle at the end of the week for faculty and students, a cooler and gift card respectively. Pictures would then be used and featured as a National FFA Week page in the chapter’s scrapbook.       

Faculty, staff, and administration were provided an omelet breakfast with cinnamon rolls, hashbrowns, and juice, in the ag  department as a thank you for all they do.  

Pay a dollar and wear your hat all day in school was an event that went over well, especially with the guys (but the gals bought in too). FFA donated the proceeds for prom prizes in April. The same day was also sport your FFA gear as the chapter picture, featuring a hay bale background and prop, would be taken later in the day.  

“Topping off” the week, all pun intended, was Root Beer Float Day. 

“I’d like to give a special ‘thank you’ to Chyanne Warta and Taylor Sheehy — two great FFA officers that were instrumental in pulling this week this together, and of course to my other four officers, Evan Stratmann, Eli Hurley, Melissa Donecker, and Libby Warta. I appreciate you guys,”  DeWerff concluded.