LARNED — The city of Larned city council met July 18 in a special session. The following are approved minutes.
Mayor Robert C. Pivonka called the regular session to order with the following council members present: Kim Barnes, George Elmore, Barbara Hammond, Gary Rainbolt, Dennis Wilson, Dave Zecha, Harry Zielke and Charles Spina.
Larned City Manager Lane Massey, City Attorney Jerry Larson and City Clerk Pam Corby were present.
Visitors included Mike Gilmore, Ed Myer, Donna Myer and Joseph Edison.
Animal Shelter Fencing
The fencing price for the building is $14,147 for the larger runs. Approval passed to pay up to $8,400 for the project and to purchase the fencing locally.
Budget Workshop
City Manager Lane Massey outlined anticipated expenditures and revenue increases for 2012. He reviewed the needed increased transfers to keep the mill levy at the same level per council’s direction.
The plan will include delay of some equipment purchases, building maintenance infrastructure repairs and maintenance.
The council established the mill levy at 63.976 for 2012.
Flashing Sign Ordinance
On motion by council member Wilson, seconded by council member Spina, and carried, by roll call vote, Ordinance 1534 was approved for a flashing sign ordinance.
IBC Building Code
The project architect has requested permission to use the 2006 International Building Code to design the facility. The request was granted.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
City council approves fencing purchase