Larned will feature several Christmas-related events Saturday in town and at Fort Larned National Historic Site.
• DOWNTOWN LARNED KIDS DAY — 9 a.m. to noon—Kiddie Day with Kiwanis Club, shopping and crafts, visit Santa. 10 a.m. to noon—Santa House. Visit Santa at the Pawnee County Courthouse lawn.
Contact Larned Chamber, 620-285-6916.
• SANTA FE TRAIL MUSEUM — The Santa Fe Trail Center Museum will sponsor a Christmas Open House from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday.
Cookies and hot cider will be served free. Then enjoy a tour through the museum and take a stroll through the numerous buildings on the grounds. Regular admission applies, $4 for adults, $2.50 for children 12 -18, $1.50 for children 6-11, and 5 and under are free. Fort Larned Historical Society members are free.
The Trail Shop features Christmas shopping. Historical society members get a 10 percent discount.
The Santa Fe Trail Center winter hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. The museum is two miles west of Larned on K-156. For information, call 620/285-2054.
• FORT LARNED — If you’re looking for a place to have pictures taken with Santa Claus this year, and experience a frontier post Christmas, come out to Fort Larned’s Christmas Past celebration from noon to 4:30 p.m.
We’ll have pictures with Santa Claus in the North Officers’ quarters, desserts and food from the 1860s to sample, Christmas caroling, living history scenes, ornaments for the kids to make, and even carriage rides.
“Christmas is a special time of year when we celebrate with friends and family and it was no different for the soldiers, officers, and civilians living at Fort Larned in the 1860s,” said Celeste Dixon, park ranger. “We’ll be recreating the look, feel and tastes of Christmas at an Indian Wars era frontier post with baked goods that an officer’s wife, laundress or even servants might have made for their families, or for the soldiers in the enlisted barracks. We’ll also have volunteers and staff dressed in living history attire in the buildings, a chance to sing Christmas carols, and even have a carriage ride if the weather permits.”
Santa Claus has also agreed to come out and take pictures with the children – for free! Bring the children out for a picture with Santa in a historic setting and stay for the food, music, and fun. The children can also make their own Christmas ornament to take home with them.
Fort Larned National Historic Site is six miles west of Larned on K-156. Access, or call 620-285-6911, or email to
Larned features several holiday events Saturday
Three events scheduled