LARNED — Three Larned High seniors and 13 juniors were inducted into the Larned Chapter of the National Honor Society recently. Kayla Langdon, NHS president, opened the ceremony, followed by a prayer by Derik Trimmer.
Sarah Liston, NHS vice-president, welcomed the new inductees, and Brianne Smith, secretary, provided a history of Larned’s chapter.
The candlelight ceremony was presented by Danette Unruh, who spoke on character, Katie Seeman on scholarship, Jeret Johnson on leadership, and Kevin VonFeldt on service.
The inductees then signed the NHS membership book and received their certificates and pins. Langdon then led the members in saying the pledge.
Following the ceremony, Tyler Smith, Logan Van Horn, and Jahman Hill all gave inspirational quotes and explained why they were of personal significance. Langdon closed the ceremony by inviting the guests to join them in the student lounge for punch and cookies provided by the current members.
Current members include seniors Kayla Langdon, Sarah Liston, Brianne Smith, Jahman Hill, Jeret Johnson, Katie Seeman, Tyler Smith, Derik Trimmer, Danette Unruh, Logan Van Horn and Kevin Von Feldt.
Inductees include seniors Gabriel Cowell, Christine Orr, Meredith Rogers; and juniors Nolan Allison, Ethan Banman, Braeden Bert, Kimberly Gobin, Rachael Herter, Lindsey Higgins, Veronica Higgins, Cody Keenan, Alex Lessard, Reagan Quick, Bailey Schartz, Steven Seltman and Michael Wysong.
The Larned Chapter of the National Honor Society is committed to excellence in the four core areas of scholarship, leadership, character, and service. Those LHS juniors and seniors who hold at least a 3.5 GPA, show leadership in and out of the classroom, strive to live with integrity, honesty, and responsibility, and are willing to commit to 25 hours of community service a year are eligible for induction into the LHS Chapter.
Along with being accountable in the four core areas, the LHS National Honor Society members are responsible for group commitments as well — taking care of the recycling at LHS, maintaining the LHS courtyard at least once a year, working at Larned’s community theater, serving as hosts for a community Red Cross blood drive, picking up trash after football and basketball games, and organizing and conducting freshman orientation in the spring.
These members not only strive to maintain excellence in the classroom but also to grow into compassionate individuals and positive contributors to their community.
Larned High School inducts National Honor Society members