LARNED — The Pawnee County Commission met at 9 a.m. Aug. 10 for a regular meeting. Pawnee County commissioners Kathy Bowman; Donna Pelton, chair; and Gary Caplinger, were present. The following are approved minutes submitted by Pawnee County clerk Ruth Searight.
Searight gave the commissioners the following for their review/approval — Airport Project information; agenda; 2016 proposed budget, 5th draft; Micro Loan information; updated wages; Information on FMLA and Same Sex Couples updates; open claims with KWORCC; hold checks and encumbrances file; payroll; payables; draft minutes of Aug. 3, 2015; and Treasurers quarterly report for approval to publish.
• Lane Massey, Larned city manager, discussed an airport project available grant.
After discussion, commissioners approved applying for the grant, with the county’s share being $23,500,
• Commissioners approved and signed checks for payroll.
• Commissioners read, and approved minutes of Aug. 3, 2015.
• Commissioners approved publishing the treasurer’s quarterly report.
9:55 a.m.—Sydney, Blanton, Larned Chamber of Commerce director, announced the Aug. 13 Chamber coffee hour was being sponsored by Network Kansas, and invited the commissioners. She gave updates on plans and goals. Gave each Commissioners a copy of the brochure regarding the Kansas Entrepreneurial Program, Community Partnership.
• Kurt Demel, Pawnee County highway administrator. Commissioners approved a road crossing permit. Demel gave an update on mowing.
Demel discussed his maintaining schedule. He gave other updates on spraying truck, salt sprayer, purple wave results, gas line in Sawmill Township that they will chemical mow, and will chemical mow at Camp Pawnee. Demel gave an update on FEMA and damages in some townships.
Kurtis Frick joined the discussion. Demel discussed mowing the ditches and other issues.
Demel was to give to John Settle, Pawnee County attorney, some information for his opinion.
• Commissioners approved and signed checks for payables.
1:30 p.m.—William Nusser, Larned mayor, and Josh Huff, EMS director, discussed the number of runs the ambulance has both inside and outside the city of Larned. They gave updates and discussed the changes in personnel with the service.
Requested and additional $50,000 for 2015, and an additional $50,000 for 2016.
2:15 p.m.—Derek Slack, Pawnee County undersheriff, discussed their request for new air conditioning and boiler for approximately $47,000/$49,000. The sheriff has decided not to pursue the new air conditioning, as what changes would be needed to the jail structure, might lead to bigger structure challenges. Informed commissioners they would just obtain some quotes for a new boiler and get back with them when the have the quotes.
Informed them the need for some updated radios. Slack discussed some quotes on reconditioned radios like the Turnpike Authority uses. After discussion, commissioners approved to purchase the reconditioned radios at $875 for seven regular radios, and 12 hand-held ones, to be paid from the 911 fund and equipment reserve fund. The new radios would have cost $4,500 each for regular radio, and $2,500/$3,000 for hand held.
• Commissioners worked on the proposed 2016 budget.
• Via telephone, Sheila Toon requested a lower rate to rent Camp Pawnee for their church for a week. It would also include children in the mix. Commissioners offered to lower the rate to $30 per day, since children would be included. Toon said she would visit with the members and let the county clerk’s office know it they would be using it or not.
3:35 p.m.—The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting was scheduled at 9 a.m. Monday, Aug. 17.
Pawnee County commission hears ambulance update