LARNED — The Pawnee County Commission met Aug. 8 at the Pawnee County Courthouse. The following are approved minutes submitted by Pawnee Commission clerk Ruth Searight.
9 a.m. — Pawnee County commissioners Kathy Bowman, Donna Pelton and John Haas were present.
Kurt Demel, Pawnee County highway administrator, gave updates on a hay bale fire, roads, overlaying and 2012 proposed budget. He discussed the new rules on signage.
Demel discussed the two caterpillars that the five year lease/purchase will be completed. He discussed the mower tractors.
Searight, county clerk, discussed if a new 911 resolution is needed.
10 a.m. — Commissioners signed a payroll change form for John Simpson, effective August 23.
Commissioners worked on the 2012 budget.
Commissioners discussed the Rural Opportunity Zone. No decision was made.
Commissioners read and approved minutes of August 1, 2011.
Commissioners signed the county treasurer’s quarterly report, ending July 31, 2011.
Commissioners accepted Bill Barger’s resignation as Santa Fe Township treasurer. They appointed Clint Barger to Barger’s unexpired term. Commissioners thanked Barger for his service as township treasurer.
Commissioners approved having a reception Monday, Aug. 29 for the new Larned City Manager Lane Massey, to meet the county department heads and employees from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
Commissioners approved sending a reminder to all departments heads that it is their responsibility to get a copy of insurance on anyone hired for contract labor.
John Settle, county attorney, discussed the CHO, CHC, Pawnee Valley Community Hospital and possibly the need for a local foundation.
Commissioners went through mail. They approved and signed checks for payables.
Commissioners discussed the Rural Opportunity Zone. They decided to table it.
12:30 p.m. — The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting was scheduled Aug. 15.
Pawnee County commission minutes