LARNED — The Pawnee County Commission met Aug. 15 at the Pawnee County Courthouse. The following are approved minutes submitted by Pawnee Commission clerk Ruth Searight.
9 a.m. — Pawnee County commissioners Kathy Bowman, Donna Pelton and John Haas were present.
Commissioners discussed miscellaneous county business.
Kathy Jadwin, Pawnee County treasurer, discussed needed wiring and repairs for her office. Commissioners approved a universal drawer for $335 plus the needed module.
Searight, Pawnee County Clerk, reviewed the proposed 2012 budget.
10 a.m. — Matt Meyerhoff, Soil Conservationist, and Kathy Rondeau, District Manager. Ron Pfenninger and Brian Hammeke, board members were present. They gave updates on activities, programs and projects.
Commissioners approved a request for the United Methodist Church to use Camp Pawnee Oct. 16.
Commissioners further discussed the proposed 2012 budget.
11:30 a.m. — Elaine Salmans gave updates on looking for possible grants.
Commissioners discussed Pawnee Valley Community Hospital. Commissioners discussed the proposed 2012 budget.
Commissioners approved and signed Resolution No. 2011-10, regarding property tax policy with respect to financing the 2012 annual budget.
Commissioners approved publishing the notice of public hearing for the proposed 2012 budget, to be held at 1:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 29, in the commissioners room at the courthouse.
1:30 p.m. — Scott King, Pawnee County sheriff, and Derek Slack, undersheriff, informed commissioners of a vehicle backing into a deputy’s vehicle. They gave updates on activities.
Carl Miller, Pawnee County appraiser, gave the commissioners some information they had requested.
2 p.m. — Matt Heyn, PVCH administrator; Shae Veach, HaysMed vice-president; John Settle, county attorney; G.L. VonFeldt, VonFeldt, Bauer, and VonFeldt; Pete Schartz, First State Bank; Dick King, PBC member were present.
Heyn discussed the audits that are in progress. Heyn gave the operations report. He gave the CMS update. Heyn presented a Facility Master Plan.
Commissioners discussed asbestos abatement bids. Commissioners discussed a date for the ground breaking for the new hospital.
Bonds were discussed. Heyn discussed needing a Foundation with by-laws.
Schartz, First State Bank, and Settle, discussed PVCH and lease agreements.
Settle discussed possible State House Districts. He discussed the 911 tax.
Commissioners discussed health mill levy and sales tax.
Commissioners read, corrected and approved minutes of Aug. 8.
Commissioners approved and signed checks for payables.
Commissioners approved and signed checks for payroll.
Commissioners requested county clerk Searight visit with a board member for SWKAAA to see if she would like to serve another term.
5 p.m. — The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting was scheduled Aug. 22.
Pawnee County commission minutes