LARNED — Members of the guild met Aug. 2 at the First Presbyterian Church.
An invitation was read by the president Diann Morell inviting the guild to a guest luncheon by the Presbyterian Women on Wednesday, Sept. 21 at noon. Featured speaker will be Shawna Webster Okey with a power-point presentation of the hospital in Nigeria that the guild made receiving blankets for the children.
Morell thanked all those who helped with the Pawnee County Fair and all those who entered projects as well as the fat quarter challenge which was placed on display at the fair. Several quilters won ribbons as well as nominal cash prizes. The drawing for the next step on the Christmas panel quilt was won by Karen Handley and should be completed by the next regular meeting of the guild on Aug. 16.
A workday is scheduled Aug. 13. Looking ahead, Pat Knoechel will present a trunk show and workshop at the First Presbyterian Church of Great Bend on Thursday, Sept. 15.
Ann Hicks displayed gifts of fabric, quilt blocks, and assorted materials given to the guild for use in various projects of the guild. Projects in the past provided by the guild included prayer quilts, caps for cancer patients, banners for church, walker bags, Quilts of Valor and other patriotic quilts, scrap fleece blankets for Indian schools in South Dakota, receiving blankets for hospital children in Nigeria to name a few.
Show and Tell participants were Ann Hicks, Gladys Salman’s beautiful painted blocks and scrappy fleece blankets; Linda Wyman, bibs made from men’s shirts; Sue Southam, black/white/rose/moss green “Ohio Star” quilt and quilted purse which received Grand Champion in clothing construction at the fair; Merlene Baird, strawberry crayon on muslin in picture frame; Diann Morell, “Sunflower Sue” miniature quilt in white and pink which received Reserved Grand Champion in quilting at the fair, black and yellow “Rock Candy” table topper, and “Little House on the Prairie” quilt which received Grand Champion in quilting at the fair.
Members and the general public are encouraged to enter quilt projects in next year’s fair as it is not to early to plan ahead.
Pawnee County Quilting Bees meet