LARNED — The Pawnee County Commission met at 9 a.m. March 17 for a regular meeting at the Pawnee County Courthouse. The following are approved minutes submitted by Pawnee County clerk Ruth Searight.
Pawnee County commissioners Donna Pelton; Kathy Bowman, chair. John C. Haas, was absent.
• Ruth Searight, county clerk, gave commissioners draft minutes March 10, 2014; Camp Pawnee website; oil royalty check, $6,270; Kansas BAM awards information; Foulston Siefkin 2014 Employment Law Seminar information; and payables vouchers and checks.
• Scott King, Pawnee County sheriff, visited with commissioners about the two accidents caused by blowing dust, this past weekend.
• Commissioners read and approved minutes of March 10, 2014.
Kurt Demel, Pawnee County highway administrator. signed a noxious weed agreement with the KDOT, regarding mowing ditches. Demel sent a thank you to the DOC warden for the inmate help.
• Commissioners approved a quote with the Railroad Yard, Inc., for pipe for $6,986.
• Commissioners approved and signed a payroll change form for Norman Worden, Level 3, to Step 2, effective March 24.
• Commissioners approved rolling over the federal funds for $115,760.
Demel discussed chemicals. Commissioners recessed to look at where the shed is going to be set. Commissioners returned.
• Commissioners approved the oil royalty check be deposited in a new fund to be set up.
10:30 a.m. — Derek Slack, Pawnee County undersheriff, requested some storage at the Annex. Commissioners approved moving forward with the Tyco Integrated Security System, as quoted.
10:45 a.m. — Commissioners approved resubmitting and applying for the 2016 off system program.
• Demel gave an update on bridges.
• Commissioners sorted through the mail.
• Commissioners approved and signed checks for payables.
11 a.m. — Matt Heyn, Pawnee Valley Community Hospital administrator, discussed applying for the KDOC BAM Awards. Chamber of Commerce and PCEDC are going to submit an application for PVCH.
9:10 a.m. — John Settle, Pawnee County attorney, joined the meeting. He wanted to discuss the Pawnee County Master Plan, and thought they should go into executive session, attorney/client privilege.
11:05 a.m. — Two executive sessions for attorney/client privilege were scheduled for 20 minutes and 15 minutes.
11:40 a.m. — Heyn gave commissioners bills for insurance that need to be paid, for new building and equipment inventory. Heyn gave an update on the busy weekend at the emergency room and Pawnee Valley Community Hospital.
• Settle discussed the blowing dirt that caused two accidents this past weekend.
• Commissioners discussed the Tyco Agreement.
1:30 p.m. — Rod Wheaton, Pawnee County solid waste supervisor was present. Commissioners signed a title for the new Peterbilt truck.
• Commissioners approved the Camp Pawnee website.
2 p.m. — The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting was set at 9 a.m. Monday, March 24.
Pawnee County receives $6,270 oil royalty check
Pawnee County Commission