Activities Feb. 19-25
Free Yoga class — Monday 11 a.m. A 30-minute class. Anyone may still sign up. The certified instructor is Jill Hutchins.
Paraffin Spa — Monday and Thursday 11 a.m. Makes your hands feel great under the supervision of Byron Stilts.
Coffee Time — Tuesday 9:30 a.m. Bring food to share or just show up.
Tea Time — Tuesday 3 p.m. Bring a friend and finger food. Tea is furnished.
Balance and Flexibility Class — Tuesday and Friday 11 a.m. About a 30-minute class led by Betty Tauscher.
Wii games — Every day 11 a.m. Wii games. Come in and play a variety of fun games.
Mexican Train (dominoes) game. Every day following lunch. Come play with us.
Sunday — Bob Moorman
Monday — Bob Fraser
Wednesday — Ailsa Morgan, Jerry Jackson
Thursday — Ron Callaway, Pat Koch, Joan Bohart, Craig Miller
Saturday — Carolyn Witte
Thoughts to Ponder
• There are only two options regarding commitment; you’re either in or you’re out.
There’s no such thing as life in-between — Pat Riley
• Snowflakes are one of nature’s most fragile things, but just look what they can do when they stick together — Vesta M. Kelly
• Pray to God but continue to row to the shore — Russian Proverb
Welcome Inn What Nots