Pawnee County Sheriff’s report - Oct. 3
Pawnee County Sheriff’s Office, VIN inspection
K-156 and 310 Avenue, cow out
1402 Toles, VIN inspection
Pawnee County Sheriff’s Office, speak with Undersheriff
Pawnee County Sheriff’s Office, speak with deputy
Pawnee County Sheriff’s Office, contact Center for Counseling
Pawnee County Sheriff’s Office, gas voucher
Pawnee County Jail to Larned State Hospital, transport adult inmate
Pawnee County Sheriff’s Office, book in adult female for unlawful possession of controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia and transportation of open container
Pawnee County Sheriff’s Office, male caller inquiring about inmate information
Larned Police Department report -
Oct. 1
U.S. 56 and Trail, driving complaint
400 block W. 16th, unattended death
400 block W. 17th, unlock vehicle
1300 block Broadway, motor vehicle hit and run
500 block Mark, investigate subject
1400 block Broadway, found keys
100 block E. 14th, check welfare
600 block W. 8th, check welfare
Oct. 2
500 block Edwards, theft report
10th and Broadway, dog at large
400 block Broadway, speak to officer
400 block Broadway, speak to officer reference violation of protection order
100 block E. 10th, welfare check
500 block E. 14th, shoplifting
400 block Broadway, speak to officer
700 block Santa Fe, investigate 911 call
Oct. 3
100 block Johnson, dogs at large
110 block State, funeral escort
1200 block Carroll, commercial burglary alarm
600 block Topeka, outside agency assist
15th and College, motor vehicle non-injury accident
400 block Broadway, dog at large
700 block E. 8th, noise complaint
400 block Broadway, dog at large
900 block Johnson, barking complaint
Corse and 8th, dog at large
400 block of Broadway, dog at large