Building on a 35-year career in public education, Tricia Reiser has been promoted to assistant superintendent for USD 428 Great Bend Public Schools. The announcement was made at the USD 428 Board of Education meeting on Monday, January 10.
No board action was required as the decision to promote Reiser was an administrative one, according to Andrea Bauer, public information director for USD 428. Bauer provided additional information about Reiser and her promotion:
Beginning her career as a classroom teacher in multiple school districts across the state, Reiser moved “home” to Great Bend in 2005 to serve as principal of Eisenhower Elementary for 11 years. In 2016, Reiser’s focus shifted to district leadership as Federal Programs Director, then as Director of Teaching and Learning.
“I’ve made equity in education my life’s mission,” said Reiser. “Together as a district, we’ve made great progress in our systematic approach to addressing the needs of all students.”
As assistant superintendent, Reiser will continue to oversee district curriculum, Federal and State Title programs, district multicultural program, professional development opportunities for teachers, social-emotional learning, Parents as Teachers, and the Parent Teacher Resource Center.
“Mrs. Reiser is a driving force in our pursuit of academic excellence in Great Bend Schools,” said Khris Thexton, superintendent. “This promotion was earned with decades of dedicated service to our district; she is a leader and advocate who works tirelessly for students and teachers.”
Adding to her credentials, Reiser earned her Ed. S. in Educational Leadership from Fort Hays State University in 2020. She also has a master’s degree in School Leadership from Baker University and a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from Kansas State University.
As a graduate of Great Bend High School, Reiser commented, “I’m a Great Bend Panther through and through, and both excited and proud to continue to serve our students, teachers, and community.”
Retirements announced
In other personnel matters Monday, the school board accepted the resignations of Sam Hill, a contracted substitute teacher, and Alex Cape, a special education teacher for Barton County Special Services. The board approved the retirements of Great Bend Middle School Counselor Sheryl Neeland and Special Services school psychologist Denise Boone.
The meeting began with Chad Burroughs joining the board. Superintendent Thexton acknowledged Burroughs, who was elected last November, along with Deanna Essmiller and Jacquie Disque, who were re-elected to new terms. These board members completed the necessary documents and signed oaths in advance of the meeting, Bauer said.
January is also School Board Appreciation Month, so the USD 428 administration recognized board members “for the crucial role an elected official plays in our community and schools.” A statement from the administration added, “These extraordinary people voluntarily tackle the enormous job of governing the district. Their actions and decisions affect the present and future lives of our children. Thank you, USD 428 Board of Education, for your time and commitment to our schools!”
Each board member received a certificate of appreciation from the Kansas Association of School Boards and an apple pie from the district administration. Eisenhower Elementary School sent a “thank you” video featuring students and staff expressing their gratitude to the board.
Next, the board heard from Great Bend High School Migrant Facilitator Gui Burley and Career/ACT Coordinator Lacey Wolters, with their annual report on the success of a program that promotes biliteracy.
The Kansas Seal of Biliteracy is awarded by the Kansas State Department of Education and a local school district to recognize each student who has attained proficiency in English and one or more other world languages by the time of graduation. It is a statement of accomplishment that recognizes a student’s readiness for career and college, and for engagement as a global citizen.
Since the program began in 2018, they have seen a 150% increase in the number of students who achieve the certificate.
Meeting at a glance
Here’s a quick look at Monday’s Great Bend USD 428 Board of Education meeting.
• Chad Burroughs was welcomed as a new board member, who was elected last November. Superintendent Khris Thexton acknowledged Burroughs and board members Deanna Essmiller and Jacquie Disque, who were reelected to new terms.
• The USD 428 administration recognized board members.
• Gui Burley, Migrant Facilitator, and Lacy Wolters, ACT & Career Coordinator, both from Great Bend High School, shared information about the Kansas Certificate of Biliteracy.
• New policy revisions suggested by the Kansas Association of School Board were approved.
• The board evaluated the appropriateness of hiring a Construction Manager at Risk as for the remodel of the future support services building that will house the Maintenance, Transportation, Custodial, and Food Service departments. It also held a public hearing to accept comments on this question. There were no public comments made at the meeting. Then, the board approved the publication of the notice to release a request for qualifications (RFQ) for Construction Manager at Risk on January 27. There will be a 15-day waiting period for interested parties to express their interest in the RFQ.
• Fundraiser requests for 2022-2023 were approved.
• The terms of board officers was extended to July by resolution. Senate Bill 130, passed in April 2019, changed the month that school boards elect the board president and vice-president to January instead of July. USD 428 chose to extend the terms for the remainder of the current school year and, with the adoption of the resolution, elect new officers at the July organizational meeting.
• The board approved the purchase of a Grasshopper commercial mower from Moridge Mfg. Inc. in Moundridge for a total of $36,562.50. Superintendent Thexton explained that the company provided Omnia Partners contract quotes. Omnia is a government contract that is a purchasing organization for state and local government, K-12 education, colleges, and universities. These contracts have been competitively solicited and publicly awarded.
• The K-6 Music Adoption Team has piloted Quaver over the last semester and has reached a decision. Teachers presented their recommendation to adopt this curriculum as a “first reading” by the board. The board’s final decision will be made at a later date.
• No action was taken after an executive session to discuss the performance of an employee.