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Prayer of the Week, Jan. 30, 2015
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May the Holy Spirit enfold us,

lighting our way with respect

for the Earth and all life upon it,

for ourselves and others.


May the Holy Spirit fill our hearts

with compassion for those who are sick,

the lost, the angry, the hungry, the poor, 

and help us to bring them sustenance and healing.


May the Holy Spirit inspire us

to be lights in the darkness,

servants of peace, and witnesses

to the miracles of God's grace.

Karen Neuforth
Great Bend

The Great Bend Tribune accepts short prayers from readers to run each week in this space. Prayers should be under 100 words long and the original work of the writer. Include your name and a way for the Tribune to contact you. Send church news/prayers to the Great Bend Tribune, 2012 Forest Ave., Great Bend, KS 67530 or email