Rush County celebrates an “All-American Weekend,” this Friday, Saturday and Sunday as part of the K-96 June Jaunt.
Here is a list of scheduled events:
Friday, June 3
10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.: Rush County Museum Complex: Kansas Barbed Wire Museum, Rush County Post Rock Museum, Nekoma State Bank Museum, Rush County Historical Museum, & Pleasant Point 1-Room School, La Crosse, 120 W. First St.
Saturday, June 4
8 a.m.: 4-Man Scramble 18-Hole Golf Tournament - $100 entry fee, McCracken County Club, starting 9 holes; La Crosse Country Club, lunch served, final holes. Call Gerald Washburn at 785-372-1808 to register.
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.: Patriotic Military Exhibit; flea market, lunch served, Walnut Valley Senior Center, 220 Washington, Rush Center
10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.: Rush County Museum Complex: Kansas Barbed Wire Museum, Rush County Post Rock Museum, Nekoma State Bank Museum, Rush County Historical Museum, & Pleasant Point 1-Room School, La Crosse, 120 W. First St.
Sunday, June 5
1-4:30 p.m.: Rush County Museum Complex: Kansas Barbed Wire Museum, Rush County Post Rock Museum, Nekoma State Bank Museum, Rush County Historical Museum, & Pleasant Point 1-Room School, La Crosse, 120 W. First St.
2 p.m.: Country Music and Comedy by Wayne and Tammy Lang, free admission, Walnut Valley Senior Center, 220 Washington, Rush Center