There are a lot of activities coming up in Great Bend, it was reported to the City Council Monday night.
Community Coordinator Christina Hayes said the second outdoor movie of the summer took place on Thursday, July 16, “E.T.” was shown to an audience that topped 200. Also that night there was the United Way of Central Kansas hotdog feed that had been rescheduled from June Jaunt, which also proved successful.
The next movie will take place tonight in Jack Kilby Square. Shown will be the original “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.”
This Saturday is also the Summer Sidewalk Sale. Over 30 stores are involved this year and that’s over 10 more than last year, Hayes said.
Hayes has also been working on the planning of the third-annual Party in the Park set for Aug. 8.
The update was part of City Administrator Howard Partington departmental report. Other items were:
Public Works
• Milled blowup areas on 10th Street, Sunflower Rod and Custom Association drag strip and Great Bend Municipal Airport.
• Helped with Youth Academy reunion
• Repaired blowup at 17th and Harrison
• Installed 3 meters at Reserves at Trail Ridge Apartment Complex.
• Manhole rehabilitation is still in progress on Kiowa Road.
• Sanitarian: 534 year to date complaints, 26 new complaints (eight by citizens and 18 by staff), 39 complaints completed by citizens, four abatement notices sent, 12 abatements performed and 11 vehicles into compliance. There were nine overgrown vegetation abatement notices sent.
• Shifts took a tour of Blizzard Energy.
• The department added two personnel to the reserve program; Christopher Brunner and Ethan Henderson.
• Planning has started for this year’s Regional Ladder Drill with Hays, Russell and Ellsworth. Great Bend Fire Department is hosting on Sept. 26.
• Demolition has started on Second and Frey.
• Permits have been issued for an additional three houses on Prairie Rose Drive for Rural Housing Partners Prairie Rose 1 LLC. This makes for a final total of 10 new properties.
• Chief Cliff Couch spoke at League of Women Voters on Tuesday, July 14.
• Members of the Police Department assisted at the Youth Academy Reunion on Friday, July 10. Officer Jefferson Davis, the youth liaison officer, puts a great deal of time into coordinating this event each year.
• Couch assisted Barton County Community College in interviews for a new Criminal Justice Program instructor.