After piloting Social Studies curricula for grades K-6, Great Bend Middle School and Great Bend High School since last semester, the curriculum committee is ready to present a recommendation of a resource adoption to the USD 428 Board of Education. The board will meet at 5 p.m. Monday at the District Education Center, 201 South Patton Road, where it will hear a “first reading” of the proposal.
The board will also recognize the many volunteers who assist at local schools.
Action items on the agenda include the changing the date of the Feb. 27 luncheon meeting to Feb. 25; approving a memorandum of understanding to continue the JAG-Kansas program for the 2020-2021 school year; first reading of the 2021-2022 school calendar; filling vacancies on the USD 428 Education Foundation Board of Trustees; purchasing Chromebooks and iPads; approval of GBHS auditorium audio; and approval of GBHS auditorium LED lights.