ST. JOHN — St. John-Hudson USD 350 and St. John High School will broadcast the Class of 2011 graduation ceremony live on the Internet at
The free broadcast will begin at 3:50 p.m. Saturday for the 4 p.m. ceremony. Please contact the USD 350 district office at (620) 549-3564 with questions. The broadcast is also archrived on the web site.
“This allows anyone who is unable to attend the ability to see the graduation,” said St. John Superintendent James Kenworthy.
Recognized for top scholastic honors are valedictorian Daniele Wendler and salutatorian Kevin Norton.
Graduates of the St. John Class of 2011 are Brandon Blakeslee, Tyler Clark, Bryan Figger, Amber Jones, Nathan Kenworthy, Kayla Killinger, Daulton Kirby, Ava Long, Omar Mata, Dace Mercer, Zach Minnis, Kevin Norton, Sara Waters, Tanyatron “Kwan” Watson, Daniele Wendland and Betsy Williamson.
He learned about the free Internet web site at ESSDACK in Hutchinson. He enrolled in a course coordinated by Steve Wyckoff, curriculum specialist at ESSDACK and Mike Cook, ESSDACK director. St. John has an employee who works part-time in technology, but Kenworthy took the class.
“They had a workshop to learn how to do that,” Kenworthy said. “You need a wireless Internet signal and a camera that is digital cable ready. With reducing budgets, you do what you can.”
Kenworthy said St. John ran a test of the system with a school concert May 3 that serves as a fundraiser for a school trip to Schlitterbahn Waterpark in Kansas City, Kan. May 13-15. Students competed in a music contest at Schlitterbahn.
“We broadcast the concert for grandparents and relatives who were unable to attend and others who live far away. We had 70 to 80 logins on the web site, which was a success,” Kenworthy said.
Kenworthy said the district may add more school events to the web site next year. The web site allows the opportunity for local advertising. For every 1,000 visitors to the web site, the school district will receive $100.
The St. John district makes computers available to students through computer labs.
St. John to broadcast graduation Saturday
Class of 2011