Throughout the month of March, residents of Sterling House Great Bend will be collecting socks for impoverished children of Brazil.
The sock drive has a two-fold purpose for residents, said Dawne Leiker, sales and marketing manager. "Sterling House, a Brookdale Senior Living community, is exploring the world throughout 2011 as part of its Celebrations program. March’s focus is the country of Brazil. Residents are also reaching out to underprivileged children through Brookdale Senior Living’s ‘stories of hope’ program."
"The sock drive is a great opportunity for residents to make a difference in the lives of others," said Kayla Winder, life enrichment coordinator. "Their eyes really light up when they get the chance to reach out — particularly to children."
Next Friday, March 11, residents will design a box for shipping the socks. The box will be shipped on March 31.
To contribute, call 620-792-7000 or bring donations to Sterling House, 1206 Patton Road, Great Bend.