Sunflower Diversified Services will hold its first bowling tournament at 6:30 p.m. on May 13 at Walnut Bowl.
This is a two-person team No Tap tournament featuring a cash prize pot and additional drawings for all participants, said Sarah Krom at Sunflower. Non-bowlers and children can participate in a Wii bowling event for gift certificates that evening as well.
Funds raised by this event will be used to assist clients participating in Sunflower’s Experience Kansas program. Experience Kansas gives Sunflower clients the opportunity to travel to points of interest across the state, Krom explained. Previous trips included the Eisenhower Museum, Abilene Dinner Train, Wichita Dinner Theatre, Kansas State Capital and camping at Lake Wilson. Funds assist with the payment of travel and attraction admission costs.
Krom along with event organizers Kathy Johnson and Lisa Sterba encourage area bowlers to participate in this event.
“Watching the excitement of folks after they have been on a trip to learn about Kansas makes my day,” Johnson said. “I want to help make sure those opportunities are available for those folks without a lot of money.”
Additional information and entry forms can be obtained at Walnut Bowl,, contact Krom by calling 620-792-1321.
“Sunflower anticipates a very successful event thanks to generous sponsorship from Great Bend Farm Equipment, Dr. Jean Pringle, and Jim Mayberry,” Krom said. "Join us on Facebook for event updates."
Sunflower Diversified Services announces bowling tournament