The Great Bend USD 428 Board of Education is set to ratify next year’s contracts for licensed employees. The Great Bend-National Education Association announced that teachers ratified the agreement on Thursday.
The school board will meet at 5 p.m. Monday at the District Education Center, 201 S. Patton Road. Salary increases for district employees are also on Monday’s agenda.
Other items of business include the purchase of Chromebooks and iPads; next year’s fees and meal prices; and mileage reimbursements for district parents.
GBHS grads could earn Seal of Biliteracy
The Kansas State Department of Education has released guidelines on including a Kansas Seal of Biliteracy for students who are able to prove that they are literate in more than one language. A team of Great Bend High School teachers and counselors have reviewed the program and will bring a recommendation to the school board when it meets Monday at the District Education Center.
The recommendation, if adopted, would allow USD 428 to begin awarding the Seal of Biliteracy in the 2018 school year to graduates who meet the requirements.