Volunteers are seeking donations of new or used Halloween costumes to share with children.
They will be given away during from 1-3 p.m. on Oct. 17 at the library, 1409 Williams St. Children are invited to come whether they need a costume or not, as there will be Halloween cookies, punch and a coloring activity.
The is the fourth annual Kiwanis/Great Bend Library Halloween Costume Drive. The library will continue to accept costume donations until Nov. 9, so that this year’s costumes can be recycled in 2016.
Barb Konrade Esfeld with the Kiwanis said some people prefer to donate money or buy new costumes for this event. She has heard that ninja and bride costumes will be big this year.
Parade, Zoo Boo on Oct. 24
The Kiwanis club will also sponsor the traditional Halloween “parade” at 11 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 24, in the courthouse square. Parents are invited to bring the kids downtown to walk to the stores, pick up treats and show off their costumes, said Kiwanis member/Sunflower Diversified Services employee Amanda Urban. The parade is co-sponsored by Sunflower, and Kiwanis Aktion Club members from Sunflower and Rosewood Services assist with traffic control.
“After the parade, meet at the band shell in the square for a children’s show, put on by award winning (kids’ musician) Randy Sauer,” Urban said. The show includes traditional children’s music, rock n’ roll, acoustic and upbeat pop dance music with energy, audience participation and fun activities for all ages in the audience, she said.
“Randy is going to keep the crowd entertained while we wait in line and do announcements (and) the costume judging,” she continued. The judges will award a $25 Great Bend Chamber of Commerce gift certificate to the best costume in each year category: 0-5, 6-12 and 13-18.
Children will have more opportunities to wear their costumes that day.
After the parade, Walgreen’s will provide free spooky pictures from 1-5 p.m. at the story at 10th and McKinley.
The Great Bend-Brit Spaugh Zoo will hold Zoo Boo rom 6-8 p.m. on Oct. 24. Dozens of businesses and organizations give out candy to costumed children
Wanted: Halloween costumes to share