In the “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” tradition characterizing Obama’s policy on Islamic terrorism, Rep. Don Beyer (D-Dhimmi) invited other Democrats to join him in visiting the Virginia mosque that hosted two of the 9/11 attackers in a “show of solidarity with American Muslims.”
“After Paris...we just thought it was really important to continue to reiterate to the many, many peace-loving Muslim Americans that they were still a welcome part of our community,” Beyer told the New York Times, without bothering to mention San Bernardino.
In our morally confused culture, why does the victim community rush so quickly to console the institution producing the victimizers?
If this is the approved template for keeping the peace, then why doesn’t Obama speak at the NRA convention to reassure the vast majority of peaceful gun owners he doesn’t hold them responsible for the wrongdoing of an isolated few that pervert the 2nd Amendment?
Or after the Colorado Planned Parenthood shooting why didn’t a gaggle of exhibitionist Democrats visit their local churches or pro-life pregnancy counseling centers? It wouldn’t take long to assure both groups that no one blames them for the action of a lunatic who poops in the woods.
And speaking of Colorado, the shooter was alleged to have said “no more baby parts” and that was all it took for him to be branded a Christian anti-abortion terrorist. Yet a burka-wearing Muslim mail-order-bride, who pledged allegiance to ISIS, and her bearded, Israel-hating husband, can shoot up a Christmas party and their motivation is a complete mystery to the FBI.
Investigators were busy scouring the jihadi’s home trying to find an ISIS membership card or a souvenir Al-Qaeda prayer cap so authorities can determine a cause. That reluctance is willful blindness. All it takes is a copy of the Koran and the would be jihadi is good to go. When Muslims get “radicalized,” searching for an additional motive isn’t necessary when they go all jihadi on you. It’s part of the package.
Yet if these attacks really have nothing to do with the so-called “religion of peace,” why does the appeasement chorus immediately head for a mosque? That smacks of stereotyping.
Wouldn’t a halal grocery or kebab shop do just as well?
But that’s just it. The problem IS the religion. The wife is described as “very religious” and after the marriage the husband became “religious,” too. That means it’s time to watch out.
By comparison, when a father finds out his son and daughter-in-law have embraced Christianity the result is less dangerous for the surrounding community. Cleavage will probably disappear and dad will have to cancel the HBO subscription, but the firearm inventory will remain stable.
Where are the mosques that announce they cooperate with the FBI or local authorities? Where are the imams that invite anti-terror experts into the mosque to conduct classes on how to spot radicals and avoid having your family or friends radicalized?
As former FBI Counterterrorism Agent John Guandolo told Breitbart News, “Since 9/11, ‘we collectively have received nearly zero help from the [Muslim] Community.’”
The ostensible reason for these grovel-thons is always to head Islamophobia off at the oasis. So after repeated terrorism incidents where is this dreaded backlash? Other than drastically increased damage deposits at rental agencies when bearded men wearing prayer caps pick up an SUV, it’s not happening.
Jews are assaulted in anti-Semitic attacks at almost four times the rate Muslims experience “hate crime” incidents. Yet Obama can’t even be bothered to attend Sunday’s National Menorah Lighting ceremony. He sends a staffer and rushes off to the Kennedy Center to attend a party.
Beyer summed up this administration’s attitude when he finally got around to mentioning San Bernardino, “It’s just another unfortunate data point.”
There’s a good chance it won’t be the only “data point” as long as this administration and this mindset rules.
Michael Shannon is a commentator and public relations consultant, and is the author of “A Conservative Christian’s Guidebook for Living in Secular Times.” He can be reached at
By Michael Shannon In the "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" tradition characterizing Obama