Ned Nefer, 38, pushed a 6-foot mannequin along U.S. Highway 11, for 65 miles from Syracuse, N.Y., to Watertown, N.Y., because “The mannequin and I really love the outdoors.”
The mannequin, Nefer said, is his wife “Teagan,” who came to Nefer merely as a head but for whom Nefer constructed a body and “married” in 1986.
Said a Watertown social services worker, to the Watertown Daily News, “I wouldn’t classify Nefer as dangerous at all. He seemed quite happy in his own little world.”
Nefer’s “first” wife passed away, and it is possible, the social services lady said, that this is his way of dealing with the loss.
Gee, this sounds
like a really
bad idea
A U.S. military investigation disclosed that at least four of the eight Afghan trucking firms involved in a $2.16 billion Pentagon contract designed to ferry supplies to American troops are likely to have employed subcontractors with direct ties to the Afghan Taliban.
But his case
seemed so good
Charged with crimes that could send him to prison for life, Gary LaBon, 50, nonetheless chose to defend himself at trial and told the jury in August that any kidnapping, rape or assault he might have committed on the 69-year-old woman in Hawthorne, Calif., in 2009 was “self-defense.”
LaBon insisted that he was in fear for his life because the woman was a “gang member.”
Judge Kathryn Solorzano took the unusual step of advising the jury to “disregard most of what Labon said during his argument.”
Jurors quickly convicted LaBon on all counts, and he awaits sentencing.
(Send your Weird News to Chuck Shepherd, P.O. Box 18737, Tampa Fla. 33679 or go to
Hes what Freud called spooky