“Dog Stylist” Dara Foster (“I show people how to live together with their dogs in a stylish way”) told a TV audience recently that some dog owners are dressing their pooches in “’80s-inspired punk, giving way to a grunge movement in dog fashion — I swear to God.”
The ubiquitous TV guest and apparel designer estimates that since Americans already spend $47 billion a year on pets, they need more than ever to know what’s hot — fluorescent styling gel, for example, and precooked meals for dogs, and owners getting matching tattoos with their dogs, and a recently spotted synthetic mullet wig for dogs.
So much
for the
Pastor John Goodman of the Houston Unity Baptist Church called on parishioners to cede their income-tax refunds to the church and warned that anyone who failed to come to the aid of the church is a “devil” and could be refused communion.
He just didn’t
plan ahead
Joseph Price, 61, left the PNC Bank in Okeechobee, Fla., empty-handed despite having passed the teller a note demanding a “sack full of cash.”
However, he hadn’t brought a sack with him, and the teller said she didn’t have one, either.
He was arrested seven minutes after leaving the bank.
(Send your Weird News to Chuck Shepherd, P.O. Box 18737, Tampa Fla. 33679 or go to www.newsoftheweird.com.)
While Sudan starves to death