Non-Point Source Pollution Management funding is available for individuals who are suffering with a failed septic system, or needing to plug an abandoned water well. Sign-up will be until July 31.
Applications will be ranked and prioritized and the highest priority applications will be funded first. Cost-share assistance provided to landowners shall not exceed 70% of the actual cost of your project or the county average cost, whichever is less.
Barton County Conservation District has been offering assistance for a Non-Point Source Pollution Program for fifteen years. Our funds go into helping home owners upgrade a failing septic system to meet state and county codes and plugging abandoned water wells. If you are interested in these eligible practices or need further information on the programs offered, please contact the Barton County Conservation District 620-792-3346 ext. 3 or stop by the office at 1520 Kansas Avenue in Great Bend and ask for Pam Tucker.
Office hours are 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. Monday through Friday.
Funding for Non-Point Source is provided by the State Conservation Commission from the Kansas Water Plan Fund.