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Great Bend Farm and Ranch Expo
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As I was glancing at my calendar today, I realized that April is almost here. This year is really flying by! With the start of April, we will have the Great Bend Farm and Ranch Expo out at the Expo grounds just west of Great Bend. The 3 day event will have programs, vendors, and a chance to meet up and see what’s new in farming and ranching. Together with K-State Research and Extension, Kansas Farm Management, and the Kansas Forest service, we will be giving informative lunch time programs at noon every day in Expo 3, so come out, grab a good lunch, and listen to the various specialists discuss what is new in their fields of study.
On April 8, Sarah Zukoff, KSRE South west area Entomologist will be talking about the insects that may pressure this year’s crops. Two new insects for the area that could pose a threat to area farmers are the Wheat Stem sawfly and the sugarcane aphid. She will talk about the insects and what problems they will pose in the near future.
April 9, at noon, Bryan Manny, Kansas State Farm Management area Economist will speak about taxes with an emphasis on the Kansas income tax affecting farmers and ranchers. He will explain the new laws, and how it may impact you and your family.
On Friday, April 10, Charles Barden, KSRE forestry  and Bryan Peterson, Kansas Forest Service will be in Expo 3 for a discussion on their new research study that is in regards to windbreaks, and the subsequent possible yield increase that can occur. They will go over the information about how studies are finding that having a windbreak on your cropping land can increase your yield come harvest time. They will also be present to answer questions on their new field study and work with any interested participants for research.
Whatever your interests are when it comes to farming, there is a subject and specialist that can help you with information. Our specialists are happy to come out and share the latest information and research to help you be able to succeed at your farm. Join us during the noon hour at the Great Bend Farm and Ranch show April 8th through the 10th, for all of K-State Research and Extension’s programming.
Alicia Boor is the Agriculture and Natural Resources agent for Barton County K-state Research and Extension. One can contact her by email at or calling 620-793-1910