RUSH CENTER — Ever wondered how to make a meal faster? What about cooking that frozen meat that you forgot to thaw and having it cooked for supper? Do you shudder when you hear the word pressure cooker, either because you know they are dangerous or you have recollections about rubbery meat? Have you wondered about all of the hype of an electric pressure cooker?
Pressure cookers have been around a long time. As time has passed, things have changed. Many people have heard the horror stories of pressure cookers, but new electric ones bring a safety as well as the ability to perform many functions. For those that may not be familiar, this is quite literally cooking under pressure. It has the ability to cook cheaper, less tender cuts of meat to be tender and flavorful. Cooking time is decreased and more nutrients can be contained.
Women on the Farm will host “Meals Under Pressure” on Oct. 23 at the Township Hall in Rush Center. This will be a hands-on-program, so if you have an electric pressure cooker, please bring it. Registration will start at 6 p.m., with the program starting at 6:30 p.m. Cost is $5 and will cover the cost of the meal.
Not only will you get some practice in how one works, we will also be covering tips and tricks, do’s and don’ts, and talking about the differences between what we grew up with and what is available today.
RSVPs are due Oct. 19, to the Rush County Conservation Office. Call Stephanie Royer at 785-222-2615 ext. 101 to reserve you spot and to let us know if you are bringing your pressure cooker.
Women on the farm hosts "Meals Under Pressure"