The regular monthly meeting of the Welcome Inn Leisure Center Inc. was called to order by President Charles Wonsetler, February 2, 2011 at 12:50 p.m. In addition to Charles Wonsetler, the following board members were present: Jim Forrest, Treasurer; Betty Tauscher, Secretary and Roger Haberman, Reporter. Absent were Thelmarie Wilhite, Historian; Marylee Phinney, Vice President and Ernie Ashley, Financial Sec. . Also present were Amy Bauer, Mitchell Craft, Mary Beth Herrmann, Mona Marie Wysong, Bryon Stilts and Bobbie Sharrock.
Jim Forrest gave the treasurer’s report. All bills were allowed.
Mary Beth Herrmann and Mitchell Craft, Pawnee County Health Department, discussed items relative to the grant that is to be use to conduct a Home Safety Survey. If the grant money is available, the survey and any related work needs to be done by August 31, 2011. Anyone interested in having this survey conducted in their home will need to sign up at the Welcome Inn or at the Burdett Senior Center. There is no charge for this service.
There was some discussion about the Monthly Ice Cream Social, which is preceded by a short humorous video. This is held on the last Sunday of the Month. The Ice Cream Social has not been advertised as it should be, and the attendance has been low the last 2 months. We also discussed the upcoming Volunteer Dinner or something of that nature, which is to be held on Thursday, April 14th. If you have any ideas as to things we might do that evening, please let Betty Tauscher or any other of the board members know.
The next carry in dinner for will be on held on February 13th with Mary & Bill Kerns being the hosts. The carry in dinner held on January 9th had a very good turn out, and as usual, a lot of wonderful food. Gladys Salmans and Amy Bauer were the hosts.
The meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m. and will meet again on March 2nd at about 12:45 p.m.
Welcome inn board meeting