ELLINWOOD — In a short city council meeting last Tuesday, City Administrator Robert Peter reported that Emergency Medical Services received a grant to purchase a second defibrillator. The grant will pay around $26,577 and the city will pay the remainder of $8,858.
Peter updated the council on the purchase of a street sweeper. Community Bank of the Midwest will finance the sweeper for $30,000 for 48 months and an interest rate of about 3 percent.
Mayor Frank Koelsch thanked outgoing city council member Branden Rapp for his service.
The city’s general liability, property and casualty insurance was renewed for $102,864 which is up from last year.
The city approved a request use of Wolf Park on May 5 from 4-8 p.m. as a fundraiser for a mission trip this summer. Activities will include chili cook off and activities.
In addition, the city has instituted a sidewalk replacement program, and Peter indicated seven residents were interested in the program.
Ellinwood receives grant