LARNED — The Larned Orphan Grain Train Distribution Center recently made a donation of 800 boxes of clothing and other goods to be used as needed throughout the United States and other needy countries.
The clothing includes clothes for men, women, teens, children and infants. Shoes, toys, and other accessories are sometimes included.
The building is owned and operated by Grace Lutheran Church of Larned. The Larned Escue Chapel, the Christian Church, the Methodist Church, and the Presbyterian Church, all donate clothes, help box clothing or help in other ways.
The Benevolent Board of the local Ministerial Alliance also helps with daily operations. The building houses the local Food Pantry, which is open 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday.
The Orphan Grain Train Building is located across from Dillons in the old Courthouse. The Center was made possible through a generous memorial from the Abbe and Lucile Miller Family.
If you would like to help in any way, call Marcheta Jacobson, 620-285-6816; or Grace Lutheran Church 620-285-2013.
The Orphan Grain Train is a recognized service organization of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. Many shipments have been in cooperation with Lutheran Hour Ministries, LCMS World Mission, LCMS World Relief, and other Christian ministries.
The Orphan Grain Train is a hands-on, Christian, humanitarian aid and disaster relief organization built on a nationwide network of volunteers. Grain Train’s 18 regional branches collect, pack and ship approximately 150 semi-loads of donated clothing, relief supplies and humanitarian aid each year.
Orphan Grain Train gathers up goods