With snow forecasted for today, it was fortuitous that the Great Bend City Council Monday night approved the city’s snow removal policy for the upcoming winter season.
“It is the same as in the past,” said Assistant Director Of Public Works Simon Wiley. The work is handled by the Public Works Department Street Division.
The streets are categorized as Priority I, Priority II or Priority III. Crews tackle them in that order, Wiley said.
“These are determined by the amount of traffic,” he said. “We try to hit the high-traffic areas first.”
The city is responsible for all the streets within the city limits, even if it is a state highway, Wiley said. However, they have been talking with Barton County officials about cooperating on some snow removal efforts.
Snow removal plan outlined
According to the policy, weather forecasts will be monitored and during periods of freezing rain or snow roadway surfaces will be monitored by Wiley and Street Superintendent James Giles as well as by the Police Department. Treatment and/or plowing decisions shall be made depending upon their evaluation and observations.
When freezing rain or drizzle adheres to roadways, application of sand/salt mixture will begin by treating Priority I streets at intersections and approaches to traffic control devices. Treatment of Priority II streets will follow.
The application of chemicals and abrasives can melt up to two inches of snow. When there are more than two inches, the sand/salt mixture shall be applied after plowing or grading operations are completed. Plowing and grading operations take place if there are more than two inches.
The current policy does not provide for snow removal on residential streets unless they impassable. In this case, crews will take necessary steps to open them breaking or removing the drifts.
Such operations will be scheduled as soon as other snow removal operations have been completed. In periods of extremely heavy snowfall the Street Division will assist with snow removal of the streets adjacent to the hospital and schools.
Snow, ice emergencies
Whenever a snow or ice control emergency is initiated, the Street Division shall contact the news media with the information and any corresponding instructions.
“The traveling public must be made aware that such winter conditions dictate extreme caution,” the policy reads. Officials will advise people not to be out unless an emergency arises and they have to be on the street.
Triggers for an emergency include:
1. Blizzard conditions – high winds and drifting snow
2. Snow accumulation greater than eight to 10 inches with more snow forecasted.
3. Snow accumulation greater than 10 inches with no more snow forecasted.
4. Severe ice storm.
Truck and plow operations
Sand/salt trucks and plows will work streets in the same direction as normal traffic flow, unless specifically authorized. While operating, trucks and plows will have yellow beacon lights operating.
Trucks will avoid broadcasting sand/salt on vehicles or pedestrians.
Plows will take precautions to avoid damaging or endangering parked cars, and moving vehicles or pedestrians. However, plows should plow a distance reasonably close to parked cars so that snow does not remain on the driving surface of the roadway.
Citizens with requests or input regarding snow and ice related actions should call the Division at 620-793-4150 during normal working hours or central dispatch at 620-793-1920 after normal working hours.
Snow/ice control – priority listing
Priority I:
• Main, from the north city limit to the south city limit
• 10th, from the west city limit to the east city limit
• McKinley, 10th south to 2nd
• 6th McKinley, to east end of the road
• Cleveland, 6th south to 2nd
• 2nd McKinley, to Cleveland
• Broadway, Avenue From west end to the 281 bypass
• 6th, Morton to Washington
• Washington, 1oth to south city limit
• 24th, K-96 to Frey
• Streets around Police and Fire Stations
Priority II:
• 281 Bypass, Main to 10th
• Patton Road 24th to south city limit
• Harrison, 10th to 24th
• McKinley, 10th to north city limit
• Washington, 10th to north city limit
• 19th, McKinley to 281 bypass
• Kansas, Avenue 241h to 7th
• Downtown Core Area, 10th to 19th and Kansas to Williams
• Open streets around schools
Priority III:
• Lakin, K-96 to Frey
• Morton, 31st to 5th
• Frey, Broadway avenue to 2nd
• Pine, 10th to 5th
• 2nd, Main to Frey
• 3rd, Frey to Kiowa road
• 17th, K-96 to McKinley
• Cherry Lane, Hemlock to Eisenhower court
• Open outlaying residential streets where drifting has occurred on an as needed basis.