If anyone had told Gloria Siefkes, R.N., a few years ago that she would be leading a presentation called “Reversing Diabetes,” she wouldn’t have believed it. But now, because of new information, the St. Rose Ambulatory & Surgery Center diabetes educator has scheduled an event to share what she has learned.
Donna Krug, Barton County extension agent in family and consumer science, is teaming up with Siefkes for the free and open-to-the-public presentation. It is set for 7 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 19 at St. Rose in the basement-level St. Dominic Room.
Siefkes will offer a juicing presentation and tasting, and Krug will serve up a nutty rice and broccoli dish.
“We had always been under the assumption that you could not reverse diabetes,” Siefkes said. “Now we are at least asking the question.”
Both Siefkes and Krug believe new research is leading to the “wave of the future” for some diabetes patients.
They are basing their presentation on books by three physicians. Titles and authors are: “The End of Diabetes Meal Plan” by Joel Fuhrman, M.D.; “The Blood Sugar Solution” by Mark Hyman, M.D.; and “Dr. Neal Barnard’s Program for Reversing Diabetes,” by Neal Barnard, M.D.
“These are all well-known and well-respected experts in this field,” Siefkes said. “Each provides his own take on the best way to reverse diabetes.”
Krug pointed out that participants in the session will learn a little about each nutritional plan.
“Then they will have to talk with their doctors and determine what is best for them,” Krug said. “The authors provide a framework to help patients design eating plans for their individual circumstances.”
The class presenters offered a brief outline of each reversing-diabetes program.
Dr. Fuhrman believes in consuming a diet high in vitamins and minerals that come from food. He notes that raw vegetables should be eaten before lunch and supper.
Dr. Hyman discusses seven steps that address problems associated with weight gain and diabetes. They are nutrition, hormones, inflammation, digestion, detoxification, metabolism and stress.
And Dr. Barnard promotes vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes. This new style of eating may improve how the body responds to insulin.
“A diet high in processed food, fat, salt and sugar needs to be a thing of the past,” Krug commented. “The doctors’ plans are going to be the wave of the future. With the changes in our health-care system, we have to step up and take more personal responsibility.”
St. Rose to offer 'Reversing Diabetes' class for first time