There are some new and exciting changes coming for the Great Bend Tribune subscribers, Publisher Judy Duryee said during a recent staff meeting. The newspaper, which has served the community for over 146 years, will change its delivery days and delivery methods as of April 11, 2023 to better meet the needs of our readers.
As of that date, the Tribune will publish on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings and all subscribers will receive their papers by same-day United States Post Office delivery.
“This decision was not lightly formed; it was a difficult one made after months of agonizing over the options,” Duryee said. “We are doing this to better serve our subscribers and not raise subscription rates.
“So why the change to mail delivery?” Duryee said. “It’s a combination of costs, labor availability and our strong desire to have the newspaper delivered on time and accurately.” The Tribune’s contracted carriers are dependable and deliver to homes without visible addresses, in the worst weather conditions, and in the middle of the night, but there are not enough of them. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, every business has had trouble hiring help, and the Tribune is not the exception.
What does this mean? Subscribers will get their newspapers on the publication day, there will be no more wet or missing papers, no looking in the yard or driveway, and the papers will always be in the mailbox. Currently, subscribers getting their paper through the mail receive their Sunday paper on Monday or on Tuesday if there was a Monday holiday. Since the post office doesn’t deliver regular mail on Sunday, changing the days of the week was necessary for everyone to get their paper the same day.
“Change is always hard as people are set in their routines,” Duryee said. “But, it is being done with all our subscribers in mind and to bring them the news on a timelier basis.” The Tribune’s e-edition is posted by 4 a.m. on publishing days and many times subscribers can read complete articles before that online at
The Saturday edition will include all the extra features, puzzles and sales inserts currently found in the Sunday paper, but will also include color comics and the Friday night sports results.