The end of the business day (5 p.m.) on Tuesday, Oct. 15 is the deadline for citizens to register to vote in the Nov. 5 general election. County Election Officer Bev Schmeidler talked about voting procedures, deadlines and rules for write-in candidates.
Much of this information can be found online on the website, under the “elections” tab.
Voters can request a mail-in ballot any time. “The first day we can mail ballots is Oct. 16; the last day they can be mailed is Oct. 29,” Schmeidler said.
Early voting is available through the Barton County Clerk’s Office.
This can begin as early as Oct. 16 but that depends on how soon Schmeidler’s office receives the ballots and programming necessary for the voting machines.
“I have ordered the ballots already,” Schmeidler said. But for anyone planning to vote on Oct. 16, she suggests, “Call before you come in to make sure we’re ready to go.”
The polling places will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on election day, which is Tuesday, Nov. 5. Voting in person requires providing a government-issued photo ID.
Ballots must be returned to the Barton County Clerk’s Office by 7 p.m. on election day. The drop boxes for ballots will also close at 7 p.m. on election day.
If a ballot is mailed, it must be postmarked no later than Nov. 5 and it will only be accepted until 5 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 8
Two write-in candidates have posted signs in Great Bend. Kate Wary is running as a write-in for 20th Judicial District Judge, Position. The candidate on the ballot is Levi Morris, who won the Republican primary in August. Glenna French is running as a write-in for Register of Deeds. In August, Susan Williams defeated French in the Republican primary for that position and her name will appear on the ballot.
Schmeidler said write-in candidates at the county or state level must file an affidavit of write-in candidacy by noon on Oct. 14 for their votes to be counted. Her office has received one affidavit for the Register of Deeds Race. An affidavit for the judge’s position would have to be filed with the Kansas Secretary of State’s Office .
A write-in vote can be cast whether using a paper ballot or an electronic ballot.
“Kansas is an intent state,” Schmeidler said. When writing in a name, “It doesn’t have to be spelled exactly. If we can tell the intent,” it counts. Anyone writing in a name should be sure to include a first and last name, she said. Otherwise, the intent is not clear.
“The Barton County Commissioners adopted a resolution banning stickers and labels on our ballot because it messes up our machine,” Schmeidler said. It’s okay to bring a sticker or list into the ballot box to use as a reference, but other voters can’t see the list and it should not be left behind.
The county will count write-in votes for elections below the county level, such as city councils, school board and townships.
Saturday voting
This year, the Barton County Courthouse will be open for early voting on the Saturday before election day, Nov. 2, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.