Coldwell Banker Sell Real Estate in Great Bend, along with Wal-Mart and Eagle Radio are joining forces to sponsor the 6th annual Christmas For Kids toy drive to benefit Saint Francis Community Services. Through this toy drive, wishes are fulfilled for children in Saint Francis foster care, adoption, and family preservation programs. Christmas For Kids provides presents to children and teens, ages newborn to eighteen, who may otherwise go without a gift this holiday season. You can make a real difference in the life of a child in Central Kansas this Christmas.
The toy drive will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday at both entrances to the Great Bend Wal-Mart store. Donate a new toy or make a cash donation during this toy drive. New toys or cash gifts can also be dropped off at the Coldwell Banker Sell Real Estate office at 4000 10th Street during normal business hours any Monday through Friday.
Coldwell Banker Sell Real Estate, Wal-Mart and Eagle Radio toy drive