Barton County Sheriff Brian Bellendir contacted the Great Bend Tribune Friday morning to report that several citizens of Great Bend and Barton County have been receiving phone calls since Thursday night, Dec. 10, from an individual identifying himself as Sgt. Smith of the Barton County Sheriff’s Department. While there is a Sgt. Smith at the department, this is a scam.
The caller identifies himself and states the person has a warrant for their arrest, and unless they provide a credit card number or agree to send a money order to a certain location, he will send a deputy to arrest them.
“This is not how we operate with warrants,” Bellinder said. He advises citizens not to give any money or identifying information to the caller. If they wish, they can report the incident to 911.
The calls are originating from a Hutchinson phone exchange, but authorities have not been able to trace it, indicating it is likely a pay-as-you-go phone, he said.
Sheriff issues scam alert involving impersonation of an officer