At about 9:45 a.m. Friday, members of the Barton County Sheriff’s Office executed search warrants at four apartments at the Holiday Apartments simultaneously and arrested two Great Bend residents on drug and other charges, Barton County Sheriff Brian Bellendir said.
It was at this complex, located at 5210 10th St. in Great Bend, where a few weeks prior to Friday’s arrests, law enforcement had responded to a suspected fentanyl overdose, he said.
Arrested at the scene were:
• Steven Chad Reed, 47 of Great Bend, who was arrested on two warrants stemming from previous charges of assault on a law enforcement officer and a domestic violence battery case. Reed is being held in lieu of $6,000 bond.
• Brianna Feist, 25 of Great Bend, who was arrested for possession of methamphetamine and possession of drug paraphernalia. Feist is being held in lieu of a $10,000 bond.
“Deputies made forcible entry into all four apartments,” Bellendir said. During the course of the investigation detectives located methamphetamine, suspected fentanyl pills and drug paraphernalia. The fentanyl will be sent to the Kansas Bureau of Investigation for analysis.
Some of the individuals targeted in this operation were not home at the time of the search warrants. As this investigation continues further arrests are expected, the sheriff said.