Auditions for the third show in Great Bend Community Theatre’s 2012-2013 season, “Duck Hunter Shoots Angel,” will be held at 3 p.m. Sunday, March 3, and 7 p.m. Monday, March 4, at the Crest Theater, 1905 Lakin Ave.
Performance dates will be April 18-21.
There are roles for two women and four men in their 20s through 40s, and a teenager, 16-19 years old. The ages are somewhat flexible.
The play is a comedy by Mitch Albom, author of “Tuesdays With Morrie” and “The Five People You Meet in Heaven.” “Duck Hunter Shoots Angel” is described as an uproarious story with two bumbling Alabama brothers who think they have shot an angel. As they worry about their fates, they find themselves chased by a cynical tabloid journalist and his photographer. Amid feathers, wings and a tiara, this unlikely scenario leads us on a winding path through a swamp (literally and figuratively) of love, sibling rivalry, tawdry media, race relations, cultural stereotypes, and redemption. It is a comedy with a heartfelt lesson.
No advance preparation is necessary for the audition session. To check out a reading copy of the script, or for answers to any questions, contact the director, Chris Curtwright, at or at 620-282-3648. E-mail for GBCT may also be sent to
GBCT issue casting call for Duck Hunter Shoots Angel