BUSHTON — The USD 112 School Board met at its regular meeting on Monday. Adams, Brown, Beran and Ball presented its audit report.
There were no statute or budget violations. There were no uncorrected mistakes.
There were a couple of items mentioned. After classes graduated, such as the class of 2012, there was a small amount of remaining funds in the checking account. It was recommended that those funds be rolled into another fund such as the student council.
The auditors also said that there should be two people working at the gate at sports events; checks over six months old should be reissued; and that principals should review and sign bank statements.
The school board approved the audit.
The Hall of Fame Committee reported that they had received nominations for five worthy candidates and will bring their recommendations to the board.
The board accepted the resignation of Amy Montoya, Title 1. They approved two Title 1 teacher’s aides: Jaqueline Swire and Charlene Zelenka.
The board approved an increase to the substitute food service worker pay of 25 cents.
The board approved a contract with Essdack.
The board reviewed KASB policies.
Superintendent Jim Runge gave a Central Plains High School building project update.
The board is considering the addition of a weight and fitness room to Central Plains High School. Runge said the architect has sent plans and the district hopes to have a response from builders by Nov. 8.
The addition would also include a new restroom facility with a portico over the concession stand. Runge said the board will look at the overall finances and see how it fits into the budget.
“We’re trying to be very, very careful with tax payer money,” he said.
The Land Judging Team reported on the success of the team. They took first at regional, first at state, and will be going on to nationals at Oklahoma City in the spring. Also, a report was given on the trip that the Future Farmers of America Club took to Grand Island, Neb.
Superintendent Jim Runge announced that Central Plains Elementary School had received the Challenge Award for fourth grade math and reading.
In final business, the board accepted the resignation of Sara Miles.
Claflin School Board met on Monday