Pawnee County Sheriff’s report - Sept. 29
Pawnee County Sheriff’s Office, female for inmate information
Pawnee County Sheriff’s Office, speak to Undersheriff
Pawnee County Sheriff’s Office, speak to Detective
1738 50th Avenue, suspicious vehicle
Pawnee county Jail, process female reference diversion agreement
130th and O Road, assist Larned Fire Department
Pawnee county Sheriff’s Office, female for inmate information
Pawnee County Sheriff’s Office, Kansas Department of Corrections to speak with detective
Pawnee County Sheriff’s Office, speak to Sheriff
Pawnee County Sheriff’s Office, male for accident report
Pawnee County Jail, transport three male inmates to Pawnee County Jail
Pawnee County Sheriff’s Office, two males for inmate information
507 Locust, female inquiring VIN inspection
Pawnee County Sheriff’s Office, female inquiring inmate information
Pawnee County Sheriff’s Office, female dropping off inmate property
Pawnee County Sheriffs’ office, female inquiring inmate information
500 block Locust, VIN inspection
200 block Rose Avenue, welfare check
Pawnee County Sheriff’s Office, offender registration
1400 block K-156, welfare check
1404 N. Porter, speak with deputy
100 block W. 6th, vehicle vs deer report
Larned Police Department report - Sept. 29
300 block W. 3rd, investigate abandoned 911 call
8th and Johnson, dogs at large
800 block W. 8th, speak to officer reference civil standby
200 block W. 2nd, check welfare
1000 block Main, check welfare
600 block Topeka, outside agency assist
14th and Park, Two vehicle non-injury accident
500 block W. 5th, vehicle lockout
500 block W. 4th, domestic battery
11th and College, welfare check
11th and Cores, dogs at large