HOISINGTON, KAN. – Watch the mailbox for the opportunity to help grow the USD #431 school district and the entire Hoisington community. Ballots for the Cardinal Legacy Bond will arrive in the mail on or around June 1. These ballots must be post-marked by June 16 for eligible voters to participate in this important election.
The ballot will authorize a new bond, not to exceed $11.5 million, to help meet the most pressing safety and security needs of all the buildings in the Hoisington school district. Specifically, the ballot will ask:
Shall Unified School District No. 431, Barton County, Kansas (Hoisington), issue general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $11,500,000 to pay the costs to (a) construct, furnish and equip a new Lincoln Elementary School in the District; (b) renovate existing District facilities, including new parking and security improvements; (c) make all other necessary improvements appurtenant thereto (collectively, the “Project”); and pay costs of issuance and interest on said general obligation bonds of the District during construction of the Project; all pursuant to the provisions of K.S.A. 10-101 et seq.; K.S.A. 25-431 et seq.; K.S.A. 25-2018(f); K.S.A. 72-6761; and K.S.A. 75-2315 et seq.?
A vote on this ballot includes all of these provisions. Specifically, a vote “YES” on the ballot will mean:
A new Lincoln elementary school that is handicap accessible, provides safe shelter for tornadoes and severe weather, allows for effective scheduling for classes and increases the capacity for individualized instruction and special education.
In addition, the new elementary school would allow the school district to restructure grades so that all buildings gain additional space. For example, preschool classes would move indoors from the 25 year old modular building at Roosevelt Elementary.
But, a vote “YES” means more than just one new building. This bond will also authorize district-wide upgrades and improvements. For example, each building in the district will have new, secured front entrances with controlled visitor access. Additionally, Roosevelt and Lincoln will have safer bus drop off and enhanced parking to address current traffic flow issues.
A vote “YES” is a vote to continue growing the Cardinal legacy, as previous generations have done before. This comprehensive proposal was developed after careful evaluation of all options and determined to be the most cost effective option that gives all the District’s buildings room to expand as the district continues to grow.
Look for a chance to personally help grow the Cardinal legacy in the mailbox and remember to vote “YES” before June 16.
Voting begins on Cardinal Legacy bond issue