Kansas Certified organic produces or farmers interested in becoming certified organic growers are encouraged to apply to receive cost share funds. The cost share program is funded by the 2014 Farm Bill to assist Kansas farmers in paying for organic certification or recertification.
Funds from USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) will be distributed among Kansas organic produces. Under the state’s agreement with USDA, producers are eligible for up to 75 percent of their certification cost, or up to $750 per certification category, for per certification between Oct. 1, 2014 and Sept. 30, 2015, as long as funds remain. KDA was allocated $68,500 to reimburse eligible producers through the cost share program.
Application for the cost share funding is available on a first come, first serve basis, based on receipt of the completed application packet until available funding is exhausted.
Program updates, as well as application information is available on the KDA website, Organic Cost Share Program. KDA strives to serve all Kansas farmers and encourage economic growth of the industry, which is the state’s largest economic driver.
Questions regarding cost share funds for organic certification may be directed to Julie Roller at 785-564-6755.
Information is also available from the National Organic Program website at www.ams.usdagov/AMS/1.0/nop.
Farmers encouraged to participate in Cost Share Program